Sunday, January 23, 2011

Body Modification or Cosmetic Surgery on Children: Female Circumcision, Male Circumcision, and Labiaplasty

Body modification that involves enhancing the appearance of the sex organs of boys and girls is a form of pedophilia, cultural pedophilia. 

A great online journal that provides more information on circumcision including more medical information can be read at the link below. Take the time to read this journal. It's actually not that long. The reader comments below the journal are what makes the journal appear longer than it actually is.

You may not cause physical, emotional, or psychological harm to a child and argue freedom of religion or your right to privacy as justificationA child's welfare supersedes any and all of the parent's and guardian's constitutional rights including but not limited to the parent's right to practice their religion.  

A while back I made a new discovery and it's what I refer to as cultural pedophilia and the role it has in performing surgery on the sex organs of boys and girls due in part because of cosmetic reasons. Surgery as in female circumcision, male circumcision, and labiaplasty, also known as genital mutilation. Some people don't view it as mutilation. From their perspective they are enhancing the visual appearance of the child's sex organs so that they are more visually attractive to the parents, doctors, and nurses. Then there are others who believe adult men and women should not be interested in enhancing a child's sex organs.

For many people, the reason that female circumcision, male circumcision, and labiaplasty are performed is because they find it much more visually appealing, visually stimulating to look at a boys penis if it's circumcised. The same can be said about removing part of a girl's clitoris and labia majora and labia minora, to make it much more visually appealing for the parent to look at. I referred to this as cultural pedophilia. It is a form of pedophilia that is culturally accepted and promoted.

Some parents think a foreskin on a penis, a large and protruding labia majora, a large and protruding labia minora, and the hood on the clitoris are not visually pleasing. So they remove it, in part because of cosmetic reasons.  Now the health reasons are a myth. It's called soap and water people, use it. But this blog isn't for dispelling the health myths, there are plenty of websites where you can learn about that.

Performing circumcision and labiaplasty on boys and girls are no different than performing breast augmentations on children or buttocks implants on boys and girls to make them more visually attractive to people. There is an element of pedophilia involved when adult men and adult women modify a child's sex organs because the adult is trying to enhance the child's sex organs. Even if a fraction of one percent of the reason as to why the child is being circumcised are for cosmetic reasons, it doesn't change the fact that there is an element of pedophillia involved.

1. Foreskins are sold by doctors and hospitals for cash. Int the United States alone sales total around 400 million dollars a year, that is not a typo. Hospitals will not disclose this information to parents unless they ask. Exploiting infants and children for money are evil.

Foreskins from boys are sold to cosmetic companies who put part of the foreskins into cosmetics. So the next time you're applying that facial skin cream on your face it may contain foreskins from boys. Reminds me a little of cannibalism. Anti-wrinkle creams and cosmetic lip injections are manufactured with the clitoral hoods cut off of baby girls.

2. Males and females have reported, physical, emotional, and psychological problems from being circumcised. You can read more about this at the link I provided below.

3. For those concerned about hygiene, it's called soap and water, use it.  As a parent if you are unable or unwilling to properly bath your child that is an example of child neglect.

4. For those concerned about cancer. The rate of penile and clitoral cancer is close to zero for every country in the world. Removing healthy non cancerous tissue in boys and girls is beyond ludicrous, especially if there is no family history of penile and clitoral cancer.

5. Cutting off the foreskin removes over 10,000 nerve endings. Sex will be far less satisfying without those nerve endings. It's simple math, the fewer nerve endings you have the less pleasure you will experience.

6. Circumcision makes the penis shorter and thinner. It's simple, the less skin you have the less the penile tissue can expand.  Oops, doctors didn't tell you that.

The head of the penis will also shrink in size due to a loss in moisture after the foreskin is removed. The foreskin allows the sponge cells in the glans to retain moisture. Without the foreskin the glans shrinks and develops wrinkles. A non circumcised penis will be the opposite, no shrinkage and no wrinkles. When you turn an internal tissue into an external one it begins to fail. Contrary to what people think the tissue of the penis is actually an internal tissue, not an external one. The skin itself is mostly external however the penile tissue remains an internal one.

7. Citing the 1st amendment in the U.S. Constitution as justification for male circumcision but not allowing others to cite the 1st amendment for female circumcision is a violation of the 14th amendment. You cannot argue the 1st amendment but not allow others to do so.  The 1st amendment has limitations. Yes you do have freedom of religion with limitations. You may not hurt or kill others for example. You may not use freedom of religion to justify performing female circumcision for religious or cultural reasons.

So logically you may not use the 1st amendment to justify male circumcision. You cannot be selective with the 1st amendment and use it when it's convenient to you but not allow others to argue freedom of religion to justify female circumcision. You cannot be that selective with the 1st amendment.

The 14th amendment provides equal protection for both sexes. Female circumcision is banned unless the girl is 18 years old, you have her consent, and she passes a psychological evaluation, Therefore the same should apply to males. Equal protection for both males and females.

The 14th amendment trumps the 1st amendment.

8. If part of the reason, or if the entire reason as to why female circumcision, male circumcision, and labiaplasty are performed on boys and girls are for cosmetic reasons, then that is what I refer to as cultural pedophilia. A form of pedophilia that is culturally accepted.

A great online journal that provides more information on circumcision including more medical information can be read at the link below. Take the time to read this journal. It's actually not that long. The reader comments below the journal are what makes the journal appear longer than it actually is.

I debated whether I should post a video of an infant boy being circumcised. It is graphic. The infant boy is clearly crying and in a tremendous amount of pain.  It is disturbing to see an infant in that much pain.  It is truly a barbaric procedure to view.

If it is legal for you to view where you live and you are of legal age to view a graphic video showing male circumcision/genital mutilation being performed on an infant boy and you choose to view this barbaric procedure, the video is posted below.

I hope those that view this video would choose to never have their infant son undergo such a barbaric procedure.

Last warning this is a video that should only be viewed if it is legal for you to view where you live and you are of legal age to view a graphic video showing male circumcision/genital mutilation being performed on an infant boy. It displays amongst other things blood and the genitals of an infant boy. Do not watch this video if you are not of legal age or if you object to viewing a graphic barbaric procedure being performed. It may be unsuitable for some viewers.

My intention in posting this graphic video is to invoke a strong reaction from the viewer. Surely you would not subject your newborn son to this much pain and suffering. The screaming, crying, agonizing pain an infant experiences during male and female circumcision. To truly understand how much pain and suffering an infant boy experiences, a mother and father of a newborn boy would need to see the agonizing pain all infant boys who undergo this barbaric procedure experiences.  This is genital mutilation. An infant boy is restrained with arm restraints, strapped down while a scalpel cuts into his body. How can doctors be such monsters? Reminds me of what can only be called legalized severe child abuse/torture.

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